Leandro Joel Fontoura sadly passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at the age of 21.
He will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
Cherubini McInerney Funeral Home
1289 Forest Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10302
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Private Cremation
Liberty Grove Memorial Gardens
Daniela says
You were taken too soon.. will forever be loved, eternally missed. You were full of life, happy and becoming the best version of yourself. A day before your passing you graduated electrical school.
I will think of you everyday of my life, you will never be forgotten.
Until we meet again my baby….
Thank you for all the happy memories and making me proud .
I love you LITTLE L30
Tazz says
We will miss you so much leo 💕 you will be forever missed, it was an honor to be a friend of yours. You were a solider. You wanted nothing but the best for everyone around you and always wanted everyone to be happy no matter what. We will miss your laughs, and your jokes but we know you will be with us forever in our hearts. Please continue to watch over us. FOREVER L30’S WORLD 🌍 💜 – Tazz, Alessia, Amy & Lily
cristian pacheco says
su abuelo cristian . que en paz descanse leandrito.
Joseph says
Leandro you’ll forever live on in all our hearts I’ll never forget everything you done for me. I’ll always love you like my little brother, we’ll continue to live on with you and in memory when all of us brothers meet up and speak about your joy and happiness. I miss you bro, gone way too soon. Has left to much of heavy impact on our lives.
Prima Paulina says
Me enseñaste que aunque estuvieramos lejos y aparentemente no teníamos mucho en común….lo teníamos todo….somos familia…
Nos gusta hablar, bailar, gozar la vida… Mucho goce!!!….ahora seguiras gozando y conociendo al resto de la familia…
Me hiciste sentir vieja! Diciendo te cambié los pañales aunque nunca te lo dije.
Recuerdo que decías que todos teníamos las mismas manos (las cuales no me gustaban, pero hoy veo como un signo de reconocimiento familiar)
El amor no tiene tiempo ni lugar, así que de algún sabrá llegar a ti.
Nos volveremos a ver y no digo pronto que se asustan por acá, pero que es la vida sino instante?.
Nos dejaste a todos en desorden, como siempre po’ por eso Leo siempre serás mi “Santo de las cagadas”. Así honrare tu nombre.
Gillian says
Lil leo. My brother, my twin. You left us too soon. Just know that i’m always gonna love you and i’m always gonna cherish the memories we have. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face. Thank you for always checking up on me and my health. Thank you for being the best little brother a sister could have. I’m gonna miss you hearing your voice and your laugh. You make me the proudest sister in the world. You grew up infront of my eyes to be the man i’ve always wanted you to be. You will be missed by many who loved you. You left a huge impact in all our lives. There will never be another you. Please watch over us. Rest in peace Eternally with God. I love you. – Gillian your sister.
M. Soledad Pacheco says
Llegaste pequeñito a Chile, tuve la alegría de conocerte y cambiar tus pañales, después te fuiste a tu origen, tu país USA, el regalo de Dios fue volver a ver un jovencito, lleno de ilusión, alegre.
Nos dejas con el ❤️ desecho con tu partida todo parecía ir bien, pero nuestro padre te lleva a sus brazos.
Leandro siempre estarás entre nosotros los que tuvimos la dicha de pertenecer a tu familia. Te amo.
Carlos says
Te conocí muy pequeñito, te volví a reencontrar cuando ya eras un joven de 20 años. Llegaste como una hermosa brisa de primavera ,a conocer a tu familia chilena . Gracias por hermoso tiempo que nos regalaste. Descansa en paz. No te olvidaré querido sobrino nieto
Myriam says
Leo came into our family at a young age. He became best friends with my son Joseph, but also became my son. I had the pleasure from seeing him as a young boy into a young man. And with a broken heart I will miss you dearly rest in peace, my love you will always be in my heart forever until we meet again, my sweet, loving son
Laura Pineda says
Mis condolencias querida Daniela ,que el Señor te de la fuerza por tu lamentable perdida ,te envio un abrazo ,el ya descansa en los brazos del Señor 🙏🥺❤️
(Null) says
Taught me courage & belief. You gave me the first words I needed to hear to spread my wings. All my success & career is thanks to you.
Leandro was an outstanding young man.
30World Forever.
Nathan Schwarz says
Leo i love you brother. Don’t ever forget you always have a home and family waiting to see you one day. You’re going to be missed. Everything I do now will be for you and the fam Leo. I’ll never forget that laugh and that smile you always had on your face. You walked around with love and truly cared about the people around you. Those qualities and overall just who you are as a person are the things I loved about you and respected. Brother I’ll meet you again one day. Rest easy little Leo. L30 4 life ❤️🕊
Jeanette Melendez says
David can’t join us to celebrate your life. He will get to say goodbye until we meet again lil brother. That is what you are to him , his little brother. The memories are many and I got to be part of those memories and for that I am grateful. I also got to be friends with your beautiful mom and that is for always. You also gave me a beautiful gift besides your moms friendship. You gave me Lola my so loved cat. You and David had it all worked out with Lola, sure I will take her since I had cats. Of course you build my cats tower which they enjoy every day. Thank you. You will forever be in David’s heart and mind.
Patty Prima says
No estaba preparada para tu partida.
Tenía la intención de fastidiarte muchos años de tu vida y tenía la certeza que sería mutuo por lo hincha cocos que sólo tú podías ser.
Pero parece que le tenías tirria a la vida tranquila… siempre chistoso, siempre alegre y siempre protector con los tuyos.
Definitivamente nada será lo mismo sin ti, pero entre mirar con nostalgia y pena tu partida prefiero vivir acorde a las cosas aprendí de ti
Me enseñaste a vivir intensamente con amor y sin miedo, a escalar muros, saltar cercas y a cruzar puentes, aunque fuera a la mala.
El que no arriesga no cruza el río y en este viaje tu solo has cruzado un poco antes que nosotros para eventualmente mostrarnos el camino.
Estoy orgullosa de ti y de quién fuiste en esta vida. Siempre serás mi ridiculo favorito.
Te amo al infinito y más allá!
Daniela pacheco says
Mi pequeño y amigo L30, de lo poco que te conocí siempre supe que tu tenias un buen corazón, del poco tiempo que compartimos juntos la pasé bien contigo y se que nunca se me olvidarán y a la vez estoy orgulloso de ti con lo poco que vi de ti me demostraste mucho y será un ejemplo para muchas personas.
Se que ya estas ante la presencia de Dios
No te olvidare siempre estarás en mi mente y corazón
Lina Mustafa says
I wish I would of came over to see your electrician diploma… I bet that’s what u wanted to show me so bad before you passed.. you called me everyday for a week.. I’m sorry I never showed up. I’m so sorry Leo . Watch over my big sister until we meet again 🕊🤍
Lily Pineda says
Mis mas sentidas condolencias Daniela , que nuestro Señor te ayude a sobrellevar esta perdida , el ya esta al lado del creador , un gran abrazo a la distancia 🙏🤗❤️🌹
Aileen izquierdo says
Wow gone to fast, I love you Leo passed away 1 day before u died u as trying to see me n I was slacking cuz I was busy working I’m sorry Leo I couldn’t see u u came back into my life again for a reason I will never forget the feeling of love you gave me I love u baby rest in peace baby💔💍💍
Leonardo Fontoura says
My beautiful son, my pride, my all, I can never forget the day that I dreamed of your existence, it seems to me like yesterday I can only remember your beautiful smile You’re loving and caring words always respectful to me, you’re the best son a father could have ever had in this lifetime, i’ve never been so proud of you, and of all your accomplishments in this lifetime, when the world did not understood you and didn’t believe in you, lost all faith in you, I always saw the good in you, and hoped for one day of your close encounter with our Creator Hashem Adonai Yauh ישועה חמישייה
Peace overwhelms my heart to know that you before going to heaven you were able to have a close encounter surrendering your heart and acknowledging that your ways of life they were completely wrong, you were reborn as a new man having a spiritual consciousness of your wrong acts awakening to a new consciousness of righteousness, brings me joy to my hearts content.
I will always love you I always be by your side, i never leave you never abandon you never stop believing in you and know that
one day we will meet again, This is not the end, but the beginning of our eternal life together.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️